Cemetery Map
Section A: Our oldest burials are located here with burials dating back to the 1730's. This section is no longer used for burials, with the most recent burial being in 1969. Some of our richest history and stories can be found in this section. A map of all known burial locations in Section A can be viewed here: Section A Quadrant Map The map of this section is a work in progress, and will be updated from time to time as records are reconciled.
Section B: This section is still being used for current burials, but all plots within it are already owned. A map of all burial locations in Section B can be viewed here: Section B Quadrant Map The map of this section is a complete record of all interred here, but may be updated from time to time as additional burials take place.
All other sections of the cemetery are being used for current burials and plot sales and maps will be available here soon.
For help finding a specific grave, contact us at graves@muddycreekcemetery.org or (717) 826-3610
Parking for Section A is located at the corner of Muddy Creek Church Road and South Muddy Creek Road.
Parking for all other sections is easily accessed through the main entrance off of South Muddy Creek Road.